Symptoms of a Heroin Addict


Heroin, also known as diamorphine, originating from the famous poppy plant. Heroin is used as a recreational drug and is one of the most dangerous and addictive substances on the planet. Heroin use usually involves the user turning away from friends and family. 

Common signs of heroin use consist of similar symptoms to other drugs, but more specific signs of heroin use include:

Heroic Facts

In the US, according to the National Survey on Drug Use & Health:

475,000 people reported using the drug within the past month

948,000 people reported using the drug within the past year

4,981,000 people reported using the drug within their lifetime

These figures are however only a partial representation of the true problem that occurs nationwide for heroin addiction as these are only heroin users that have come forward during the study. There are many more unaccounted for heroin users around the country that simply can’t be calculated accurately. However, one other statistic we do know about heroin use is that deaths almost tripled from 2010 to 2013.

If you suspect a loved one has a problem with heroin use, it is critical to look for help at a certified heroin addiction treatment center as soon as possible. The early the patient is treated for heroin, the more chance of success the patient has of being sober.

How Is Heroin Taken?

Heroin is can be consumed in numerous ways including snorted, injected, or smoked so you may find equipment left lying around such as syringes, small glass pipes, spoons, tin foil, lighters, or rubber tubing.

The most common way to intake heroin is through injection to provide a maximum type of high. By injecting the heroin directly into the bloodstream, users will feel a big “rush” momentarily after injecting into a vein.

The Effects of Heroin

Heroin addicts are rarely aware of the enormous damage the drug is doing to them. They suffer from loss of appetite, mood swings lack of concentration, worsening performance in school or work, and general neglect of their appearance. The person may try to avoid eye contact and spending increasing amounts of time sleeping. Other negative behaviors such as lying or deceptive habits may be signs of heroin addiction.

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