What causes seizures from Xanax?

What causes seizures from Xanax?

Xanax, medically known as Alprazolam is within a class of medication known as Benzodiazepines. A highly used and commonly prescribed central nervous system depressant widely used throughout the United States to treat severe mental health disorders such as panic attacks and anxiety. Xanax abuse is widespread within the United States due to its depressant capabilities.

Xanax is prescribed to individuals who suffer from severe mental disorders. There is a common misconception that Xanax will cure these illnesses. Unfortunately, this is not true; Xanax is prescribed to patients to help them cope with their symptoms and live everyday life. 

When an individual abuses Xanax, the chemicals severely impact the brain’s neurotransmitters responsible for regulating individuals’ anxiety and emotions. The main goal of Xanax is to stop neuron messages, which in return, results in the individual feeling relaxed and possibly sleepy. The higher dosage will result in a state of euphoria, that pleasurable feeling is the main reason Xanax gets abused. 

Xanax Fact:

Medical advice has stated that Xanax medication, no matter whether it is prescribed or being abused should under no circumstance, be taken for longer than six weeks at a time.

Xanax withdrawal treatment program

Within an addiction treatment program, patients will be heavily monitored if they have been prescribed Xanax and a medical professional believes you are becoming addicted. You will immediately be placed on a medical detox program. The patients would have to be continuously monitored by various medical professionals to ensure they are in no danger from any severe side effects. Xanax withdrawal symptoms can range from unpleasant to extremely dangerous, with the potential of ending in death. 

Xanax tolerance within the human body

Xanax is a highly concentrated, addictive drug; once your body adapts to receiving this specific drug from the benzodiazepine group, it can lead to a balance intolerance. The Benzodiazepines drug group work to rewire the brain, focusing on mood regulation, reward system and motivation sections. 

Our brain is an incredible organ that will adapt the body to the new intake of drugs, in this case, Xanax. Within the first couple of doses, our brain will be adjusting the bodies climate to deal with the frequency and volume of the substance. Acclimation, unfortunately, will very quickly turn to dependency.

If an individual suddenly goes cold turkey, the brain will go into a state of shock. Every organ will begin to overwork itself to deal with the sudden withdrawal from Xanax, which will be visualized as short term withdrawal symptoms; these can appear in forms such as:

  • Profuse sweating 
  • Sensory hypersensitivity
  • Muscle twitching 
  • Blurred visions
  • Constant headaches
  • Heart palpitations 
  • Paranoia
  • Insomnia
  • Delirium
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Seizures

All drug abuse will come with a certain amount of danger when an individual decides to withdraw from the substance abuse; however, some medications such as Xanax can have severe outcomes that a professional will need to monitor. 

Seizures and withdrawal 

Detoxing from Xanax will result in an individual experiencing withdrawal symptoms. This can be seen as a set of psychological and physical sensations that can occur as quickly as a couple of hours after they have stopped using the drug at their usual dosage or frequency. 

Xanax is an extremely deceptive and dangerous drug; many who abuse do not understand the severity of the addiction and how quickly dangerous life-threatening withdrawal symptoms can appear. If an individual uses high dosages of Xanax, severe withdrawal symptoms can develop; these can include seizures and psychotic episodes. Withdrawal can cause Grand Mal seizures – Complete loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions. 

Grand Mal seizures are known within the medical profession as generalized tonic-clonic seizures, caused by an abnormal amount of electrical activity which commences throughout the brain. These seizures are one of the most dangerous symptoms that could occur if there is a withdrawal period from the drug. Seizures can become so severe that it is commonly known to lead to death. 

Dangers associated with seizures caused by Xanax 

When it comes to the withdrawal symptoms associated with Xanax, several cases have unfortunately led to an individual’s death through the vast amount and severity of seizures that the individual endured. 

The danger that surrounds Xanax withdrawal ultimately lies in the seizures. Not every individual will experience this specific life-threatening short term symptom; however, they are the most significant known cause of death, especially if experienced alone. 

Whether you are calling for yourself or a loved one, Shoreline Recovery Center are here to help you through every step, whilst keeping you mentally and physically safe. When you call in, everything spoken about is completely confidential; we will never pressure you to stop taking Xanax or committing to our treatment program until you are ready. We will be ready and waiting 24 hours a day to answer any concerns or questions.

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